
08 September 2010

Wordless Wednesday hosted by Julie

Good morning, everyone! I'm Julie from Brown Eyed Belle, so nice to meet you! 

Our darling Michelle asked a few of us to cover for her while she is celebrating matrimony with her honey! Michelle, we are all so happy for you and can't wait until you return to hear all about it!


I know the title says 'Wordless Wednesday,' but it's more of a semi-wordless Wednesday, seeing as I'm doing this little introduction.

Michelle found me a few months ago, and we became fast friends. Her love of monograms, pink, preppy, weddings, Lilly, and all things girly drew me to her in a heartbeat! Not to mention she is absolutely one of the sweetest ladies you will ever know.

So, for today's post I want to do a little celebration of our darling Mrs. Pink Champagne!

Enjoy, everyone!


(Images here and here)

Cheers, my loves!



  1. Oh, Chuck Bass. He really is a handsome one isn't he?! That's such a great picture of the two of them. I loved all of these ruffles and sparkles! Beautiful post, Julie!

  2. Oh Julie this is too perfect, Michelle is going to freak out over all the adorableness! So adorable, love love love the shot of the lady lounging on the sailboat, so glam, and yummy, I want some pink champagne right now to toast to our girl! Mwah to you both! xoxox


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO