
15 September 2010

Went to the Chapel?

For the last year, (basically since the day Husband proposed and I immediately changed his name to "Fiancé" in my phone) my ringtone when he called has been to "Going to the Chapel". Confession: I also wake up to "Going to the Chapel" as my alarm clock. Shhh... our little secret. Now, we are home from our honeymoon, and "Fiancé" has changed to "Husband" in my phone. So my question to you, dear readers is this: how long can I get away with this bride-to-be ringtone? I think it's time I find a proper replacement very soon...


  1. Ha! I have no idea, but this is the absolute cutest! Keep it until you don't feel like a newlywed ;)Oh, and congrats!

  2. I definitely agree with Lindsey - you'll know when the honeymoon phase is over :) So cute!


  3. Easy answer baby, James Taylor of course! Or something tropical (and sexy) from your honeymoon! xoxo

  4. OOO Oooo oooOO, ME ME ME. Call on me! May I suggest to change your ringtone to either the song that played while you were announced "Mr. and Mrs." or the song you danced to for your first dance?!

  5. How sweet! hmm.. I'm not sure ... but maybe a baby tone ...would come next... ok..ok.. rushing things maybe...maybe something that refelects how wonderfully happy you are.... I love the idea of the ringtone!!!

    Welcome home!!!XO HHL


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