
17 September 2010

Photo Friday: Honeymoon Sneak Peek

Since most of my upcoming posts for next week will bombard you with endless honeymoon photos and stories while I anxiously await the arrival of wedding photos, I thought I would give you a little Friday teaser. If I close my eyes tight enough and wish hard enough, can I transport myself back to this exact spot? Oh Fiji, how I adore you...

Happy Friday, dolls! Hope your weekend is nothing short of fabulous!


  1. Oh I bet y'all had the most amazing honeymoon!!!!! Can't wait for the pictures!!!! :)

  2. Ohh such a pretty pic! That's great you both were able to go to Fiji for your honeymoon! Looking forward to hearing all about it! :)

  3. what a beautiful picture!!! I would love to be transported there!!! :)
    Can't wait for all the pics!

  4. I'm certain yu had a fabulous time.. that beach .. water ... just take me away!!! XO HHL

  5. How gorgeous! Just close your eyes and click your heels...there's no place like Fiji! Love, Mrs. Kindergarten


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