
25 August 2010

Wedding Wednesday

It is LITERALLY Wedding Wednesday, as my wedding is this Saturday! (How could you forget with my adorably incessant countdowns and reminders?) Today is my last day in the office, and they threw me the sweetest surprise shower! Imagine pink and green nautical flags hanging across the conference room with pink and green paper globes everywhere... big diamond rings, tiaras, Lilly napkins and pinwheels, cupcakes, chocolate covered strawberries, and "pink champagne" (raspberry ginger ale=office appropriate). I got the most gorgeous Kate Spade vase filled with white hydrangeas and a darling pink and green monogrammed cookie. Everything was so beautiful, it was more than I ever could have dreamed of. Big hugs to my work ladies who put it all together!

Tonight, I am off to get my ring cleaned, wrap some last minute presents, and pack, pack, pack for our wedding weekend/honeymoon! I will miss reading and following all of you while I am away, but I promise to catch up when I return. Aaaannnd, there may be a few special surprises while I'm louning on the beaches of Fiji - you will LOVE them, I pinky promise!

PS - this was the weather forecast when I checked for the hundredth time this morning. Hooray!
2 DAYS to I do!


  1. I want to come and work with you! This sounds like the most beautiful shower You deserve it. I can't wait to see pictures from all of your beautiful events when you return from your honeymoon!

    Just a few more days!!!!!!!

  2. What a lovely bunch of ladies you work with!! So much fun. We will be thinking of you this weekend. So exciting :)


  4. Oh my goodness, this really is YOUR Wedding Wednesday! I hope the rest of your week is relaxing and your day is everything above and beyond your wildest dreams. Enjoy it, becuase it is all about YOU (and him, of course)!!


  5. oh my goodness -- the weather is going to be PERFECT!!!! YAY! Enjoy every moment -- can't wait to read recaps when you return!!!!

    Congrats! :)

  6. That is just the sweetest thing! Your work friends are just dolls for throwing that little party for you!!

    Congrats!!!!!! Enjoy every second of it!!!

    I can't wait to read all about it and see pictures when you're back!! =)

  7. Ooooh so exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope everything goes perfectly and I can't wait to hear all about it! :)

  8. Gorgeous and comfy weather! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  9. Happy Wedding Wednesday! I hope your wedding is absolutely fabulous! I cannot wait to see pictures! Enjoy your honeymoon and wedding weekend-I'm so jealous of your trip to Fiji!


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO