
24 August 2010

New Autograph

My to-do list is a mile long, between last minute wedding details, office to-do's, and honeymoon packing... but what am I doing right now? Doodling on a notepad and practicing my soon-to-be married signature. How can I concentrate on anything else with such a pressing task at hand? Le sigh.
3 DAYS to I do, lovelies!


  1. You are such a little doll, I can just picture you right now! OMG! 3 days darling! You know you are on my mind constantly! xoxo Hugs to you!

  2. This is so cute! Have fun practicing! :)

  3. Oh what fun to practice your new name, and love the picture! Can't wait to hear all about your special day. :)

  4. Ahhh how exciting! Practicing your new name is definitely important! I can't wait to hear about the Big Day - I hope you'll post pictures of some of the details...? Congratulations in advance :)

  5. Adorable ... how exciting ... can't wait to see your posts of the Big Day!!! Congrats..HHL


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