
30 July 2010

Photo Friday: Bachelorette Weekend!

Today kicks off the beginning of my BACHELORETTE WEEKEND! Hooray! I cannot wait to celebrate all weekend with my favorite ladies... friends from childhood, college, old roommates, and family. The events are all a surprise, but I'm sure there will be lots of this:
and this:
and this:
and this:
and maybe even some of this:
It will be a fun, girly, loud-music playing, dancing, giggle-y, silly weekend with my best friends.  Hope you all have a fabulous weekend, too! 


  1. yay!!!! have so much fun!!!! :)

  2. Aw, yeyyy! I hope you have a great time! Hope to see pics!

  3. Oh my- you're going to have a BLAST! Be sure to share stories with us after! xox

  4. Hope your weekend is all you hope for!

  5. Where were you? I was everywhere this weekend. The Pier? I saw a bachelorette party going on. Hope you had fun! :)

  6. Just stumbled on your blog. Love it!

    CUTE Pictures! This is what my boyfriend is SURE happens every time I have a "girls night" hilarious! So Cute!! XO!

    ~Your new follower.... Misty


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO