
20 July 2010

Here Comes the Bride: All Dressed in Lilly!

Here comes the Lilly Bride! I'm sure many of you have already heard the big news: Lilly will debut 12 unique gowns incorporating Lilly lace, grosgrain and fun hints of pink and green in late 2010... a tad too late for this bride-to-be (and I'm in luuuurve with my gown), but I cannot wait to feast my eyes on these lovelies! Perhaps we can renew our vows someday...


  1. WOW! Lilly wedding dresses?! I haven't seen this until you posted it...very interesting.

  2. A tad to late for me 8 years....but that doesn't mean I can't lust over them! ;) Besides, I'll have a Lilly bride in my daughter eventually, hopefully (if I have anything to do with it!)!

  3. Can't wait to see the "unveiling" too!!!

  4. I DIED when I saw this today. Sooooo beautiful!

  5. that's it.... i'm getting married again! :-)
    what i would do to have a lilly wedding!!
    gorgeous and FUN!
    muffy will have a lilly wedding!

  6. Not a big Lilly fan (sorry!) but the gowns look really pretty. Looking forward to seeing them!

  7. OMG! I can't believe it!! I can't wait to see them!! Too bad it'll be too late for my Wedding in October. :( I bet they're beautiful!
    Just found your blog through Friday Follow! Love it.
    XOXO- Vy

  8. ah! I didnt know this! quite exciting!


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