
12 July 2010

Bridal Shower!

My bridal shower was yesterday! Everything was absolutlely lovely with lots of diamond ring cupcakes, pinks and greens, mimosas, and beautiful gifts. I cannot wait to upload pictures so I can share with all of you. Let the thank you note writing begin!

PS - we have already received 14 replies in the mail (all oui's so far), and I am waiting to hear from Mother how many more came in today... such fun!

Hope you all had a fantastic weekend! XOXO


  1. yay! your first shower!!! so happy for you! i know you had on the perfect bridal outfit!!
    isn't is SOOO fun to see how many replies come in the mail each day? and then tallying them up!?
    this is a wedding NOT to be missed, my friend, so don't count on too many nos! :-)

  2. woohoo congrats! Can't wait to see pics..

  3. Congratulations! How exciting. :) I can't wait to see pics!!!

    <3 kp

    Don't forget to enter my Ruffled Tank Giveaway!

  4. Oh, this is so exciting! I can't wait to see pictures!!!

  5. Yay! Sounds like you had so much fun, I would LOVE to see those cupcakes!

  6. aww it sounds so fun!! really looking forward to seeing pictures!

  7. Yay! I'm so glad you had a great shower! I can't wait to see pics!!

  8. Sounds like everything is continuing along smoothly for you! Your shower sounds adorable - looking forward to pictures!

  9. What a special day for you, I bet it was a pink and green shower....I just bet it was!


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO