
21 June 2010

Ode to the Father of the Bride

Cheers to my Daddy, as I'll always be Daddy's Little Girl. To my tennis partner, Mr. Fix-It, jokester, car repair man, house project helper, moving man, boat engine consultant, and "face game" opponent. The man I would run to every night at 5:15 when he would walk in the door and jump into his arms, who would flip me upside down, carry me on his shoulders, and be my human jungle gym. Who I would call on the phone and ask to come upstairs and play with me, who would read the "Large and Growly Bear" to me in the perfect bear voice, would take me on "toe rides" in the swimming pool, and who would sing "My Girl" to me. To the man who will walk me down the aisle, give me away, and spin me around the dance floor in just 68 days... Cheers to my Daddy, the Father of the Bride - I love you!


  1. Awwww, such a sweet post, lady! Father of the Bride is my favorite movie of all time, by the way :) So happy for you!

    PS- I have a great giveaway right now! Come check it out!!


  2. so sweet! i love being a daddy's girl! my dad-o's nickname is the large & growly bear!!! how funny we both share that! our daddy-daughter dance was to "unforgettable", the version natalie cole did with her father! after the wedding, my father said that he felt like MY big day, was really his!
    Daddy's are the best!

  3. This was just so sweet! I'll never forget how special it was to have my dad walk me down that aisle. I can't wait for you to get to share that moment with yours!

  4. Awww!!! This is such a sweet post!! I'm a daddy's girl too. The song I danced with my daddy to at my wedding was Daddy's Hands. That's always been our song. Cheers to great daddy's!! :)

  5. Just wait until right before you walk down the aisle, or the first time he sees you in your dress. My dad cried, and he's not a cryer at all. Such sweet moments, especially us Daddy's Girls. :)


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