
16 June 2010

Lusting After Milly

I find myself daydreaming about this lovely Milly dress, and with it on sale, I am feeling veeeery tempted.
The colors, the neckline, the prints... le sigh. Deep breath. Do not click buy, do not click buy, do not click buy...


  1. I'm so with you on several items in various shopping carts online right now. I have the same mantra, {do not click buy}. I might get in trouble if I do...

    good luck with the self control, girl!

    <3 KP

  2. That is so cute but this would be so short on me! Good luck on the self control! You're good! Hope you're having a great week!

  3. Hey cutie pie, this dress is indeed divine, I tried it on at Bloomie's earlier this Spring - a few things - make sure you try it on or you can return it if you buy online, the cut at the top/bust is very narrow compared to the rest of the dress. I'm not a busty person by any stretch of the imagination, but I felt very va va voom in it. Also, you are taller than me but proportion-wise it seemed like it either needed major shortening on me or it was just all together meant for a taller person. The colors are so pretty though, and that pink part by the bust is even more neon pink in person, tres cute!! xoxo

    Oh to be as tall and leggy as the model in the picture....there is my le sigh for the day! xoxox

  4. Get it girl!!! I'm sure it will look great on you!!! I'm in search of a great new summer dress myself before I head to the beach. I am so picky!

  5. ohhhh my gosh, this is so SO so cute and i hate you for sharing it! kidding, obviously ;) how do you find milly runs? true to size?

  6. Milly dresses are my downfall. I could buy every single one (if The Hubs and the budget would allow it). I too am always repeating "do not click buy."

  7. Such a cute dress. There are so many cute things on the sale page!!

  8. I have always loved Milly! These are gorgeous, I adore a pink and orange combo! XO!

  9. wow beautiful outfits looks awesome

  10. OHH i love milly!! they have really great sample sales in ny sometimes... still a little pricey but totally worth it. beautiful find.


    [v] hobovogue


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