
06 May 2010

Thursday Means Pink & Green

Spring is in full bloom, so let's celebrate Trish's Pink & Green Thursday with some beautiful blooms!
Take some time today to stop and smell the pink and green flowers! XO


  1. so pretty! i hear the peonies are blooming soon ~ yay!
    love pink & green thursdays!

  2. Wow, I heart all of these flowers! So so pretty. Need some in my house ASAP! Great pink and green post. :)

  3. Beautiful Pink & Green post.

    The peonies are simply beautiful. Love them in the vase on the desk (Sure wish I had a bunch.).

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Spring is here!!! I was waiting for it!Love roses and peonies,love Chanel perfume bottle,love this beautiful pink atmospfere!


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