
08 April 2010

Hair Heaven

Today, I am walking a little lighter, Madonna is playing on my Pandora (I never get tired of Vogue!), and the sun seems to be shining a little bit brighter. Why the wonderful mood? Simple: I have a hair appointment tonight. There is something so luxurious and relaxing about getting my hair done, and I adore being pampered. The head and shoulder massage before the cut, the facial cream and aromatherapy spritz over my skin, the feeling of leaving just a little blonder with healthy freshly-cut ends... sigh. Even the tea seems to taste so much better at the salonspa. Pure bliss. Is it 6:30 yet? 


  1. Ohh I would trade places with you in a heartbeat! I love getting my hair done, especially if the salon has lots of good magazines to read. And you're right, tea always tastes better there!

  2. OH Happy Hair Day! SO thrilled for you, isn't it the bestest?!?

  3. I get the same way about hair appointments! They make you feel soooo good after! :)

    I just found your blog! It's so adorable and such a great choice in background. ;)

  4. I am in SUCH need of a hair day...however, mine do not seem quite as lovely as yours!

  5. What an adorable blog you have! And I could not agree more - when you have your hair done (and in my case it mean a touch up every two weeks) with a great blow out all is well with the world. I'll be back!


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