
06 April 2010

Feeling Blue

If I had more blue in my wardrobe and less pink, I would be all over these lovely pieces from Lulu Frost. (I'm a sucker for anything with a bow.) Even being the pink and green girl that I am, I can't help but admire the beauty of this collection. Head on over to today's Gilt sales if you're feeling blue...

And if you were feeling EXTRA blue (and like totally splurging), you could add this pretty bag from LAI (also a GG find). Just saying...


  1. Thanks for following my blog! Yours is adorable, I can't wait to read more!

  2. SUCH pretties sweetie, oh if it was only pink, I would be dropping my credit card on the spot! :) XOXO

    Love it in blue too, I'm like you though, too much pink in the wardrobe :)

  3. tiffany blue goes with EVERYTHING, dontchaknow? :-)

    but i agree, pretty IS ALWAYS pink!

  4. Great finds and I adore the pieces you posted from Lulu Frost. The bows make it just perfect.

    That bag is also to die for. I’m really loving blue and turqoiuse hues this spring.

    Love your blog btw...just found it from Trish's.


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO