
29 January 2010

Photo Friday

This may be cheating since I did not actually take this photo myself (it is actually a merging of two different photos, so that would be im-pos-si-ble), but I figure it's my blog so I can make or break my own rules whenever I see fit. ;) This is what I had waiting for me in my inbox when I got into the office today from Fiancé:

An email advertising a trip to both Paris and London, my two most favorite cities in the whole world. The Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, cappuccino, Harrods, the Orangerie, crepes, Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace, (heck, ANY palace), Champs Elysées, Chanel, the Victoria Theatre, Louis Vuitton, I could go on forever. Ah, a man after my own heart. With the honeymoon on the horizon there will be no trip back to these fabulous cities in the near future, so I will have to dream from my cube on this Friday afternoon...

Au revoir! Cheerio!



  1. oh how fun!! although they both sound coooold!

  2. your blog is great ! i love it ... Feel free to visit mine!


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