
18 January 2010

Mother/Daughter Day

Yesterday, my mother and I spent the day here. Sadly, it was not quite as warm and sunny as this picture shows. This is Bowen's Wharf on Thames Street in Newport, RI. I absolutely adore Newport for the fabulous shops, restaurants, and mansions. The historic feel is charming and I the perfect spot to stroll the streets and window shop. What brought us to the waterfront in the middle of January on a Sunday afternoon? My mother and I both have January birthdays, so this was our annual birthday celebration/girls' day. We started with brunch (creme brulee sweet bread french toast - enough said), went for a walk by the water, and spent the rest of the day shopping - what we do best. I found a few great pieces, but mostly we enjoyed the eye candy and each other's company. We finished the day off with ice cream, a drive by the mansions, dinner, and facials. Perfect.

Some must-sees if you are ever in Newport:

The MANSIONS. Gorgeous architecture, immaculately decorated, and reminiscent of the grandeur of the past (think Great Gatsby). My absolute favorite is Rosecliff - the sprawling gardens, lawn leading to the ocean, and gold ballroom take my breath away.

The Clarke Cooke House: a fav of Fiancé's and mine. Oceanfront, old fireplace, nautical decor, and delish food. What more could you ask for?

Be sure to stop in to the Black Pearl for key lime pie (Fiancé's absolute favorite) - you'll thank me. The SHOPS - Thames Street is the place to be. From home decor, designer boutiques, jewelry, and shoes, you are sure to find exactly what you are looking for. Newport, oh how I love thee.


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