
21 January 2010

J'Adore Paris

If my love of Paris seems a bit excessive to you, I am completely willing to admit it. After all, I believe I once counted 13 Eiffel Towers in my little beach-cottagey apartment. An obsession one might say? Fine. In my defense, how can you not be absolutely in love with a city with gorgeous architecture, charming outdoor cafés, crepes on every corner, the glimmering light of the Eiffel Tower visible from every spot at night, and the best shopping in the world (Louis, Dior, and Chanel - oh my!).

In case you needed one more reason to fall head over heels in love with Paris, look no further than my Jet Setter (a la Gilt Group) email from yesterday - Le Meurice. The pictures of this to-die hotel speak for themselves.

Did anyone else notice the pink pillow in the mirror? L-O-V-E the regal gold with pink accents.

More fushia accents combined with traditional Parisian decor... sigh.

Imagine sipping champagne and enjoying gormet French cuisine under these chandeliers...

I want this to be the view from my window EVERYDAY.

Oh Paris, how I love thee.


1 comment:

  1. i have an obsession with paris too!! it's so beautiful and amazing!!!


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